Custom Doctoral Gowns


Create your own custom doctoral gown by changing the velvet, gown color, or piping.


Quickly design your own CUSTOM doctoral robe below:

There are two boxes checked by default. If you want the hood velvet to match the gown velvet, then leave the box checked.

If you want the gown sleeve velvet to match the gown on the front of the box, leave that box checked.



Gown Gown Fabric Color Hood / Degree Velvet Gown Velvet for Front Panels of Gown Gown Sleeve velvet Piping



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Order Form for Doctoral Regalia (Gowns, Tams and Hoods)

To order our completely custom-made regalia, please contact us directly:

Phone: (412) 422-GOWN
Fax: (412) 273-3416

We'll send you our price guide and fabric swatches, as well as a detailed order form.